Special Offers and Promotional Codes
Special Offers
We provide Special Offers on selected products on an regular basis. These are usually on a selection of our best selling products to deliver the best value we can to our customers. By passing on the benefits we negotiate with our suppliers, based on the volume of orders we place with them, we can provide even more attractive prices. We have found that most customers prefer a clearly dispalyed lower price against the relevant products to the use of ‘coupons’ or ‘promotional codes’ which they may or may not come across prior to purchase.
To see our latest Special Offers click here
Promotional Codes
We do not offer promotional codes but prefer to provide all our customers with our best prices. However, there there are many 'promo code' sites on the internet that profess to ‘trawl the web’ to find codes and offers. We do not submit any information to these sites and they often misrepresent any promotional activity that we might be undertaking.
We always seek to provide the best price we can on all products and run a series of Special Offers across the year. To see our latest Offers click here