If you're dealing with all the extra Christmas waste and recycling, one of our bins will make it easier and keep the kitchen tidy.
The volumes of recyclable materials produced over the holiday are increasing so it's really worth starting to recycle, or doing more of it, over the holiday and into 2017.
Aluminium cans and glass jars and bottles can be melted down and turned into new ones in rapid time and with little loss of material, so it really is worth putting these into the recycling.
We use card to protect our products on their way to you, but this can also be reused and made into new boxes easily, so please recycle your packaging as this will contribute to the reuse of the 300,000 tonnes of card used in the UK just over the festive period.
To visualise what 300,000 tonnes looks like, imagine laying it side by side along the RETURN distance from London to Lapland, 100 times. Or to put it another way, have a look at some of our landmarks and the amount of times they could be covered by this much card:
More facts about the amount of stuff we consume at Christmas, which could be recycled:
The paper we use in the UK each year at Christmas is the equivalent to the weight of 124 London Eyes.
An estimated 500 tonnes of Christmas tree lights are thrown away in the UK over the Christmas period. If they are in good working order, you could donate them to charity, but if broken many councils will recycle the materials.
Around 250 tonnes of real Christmas trees are thrown out after Christmas but your local authority should offer free collections for composting them.
Recycling just 6 foil mince pie cases saves enough energy to watch The Great Escape (again).
At Christmas, when we all have extra bottles, packaging and paper to put in the bins, it really is worth recycling as much as possible instead of throwing it away as rubbish where it will end up as landfill either here or abroad.
If the theory of recycling sounds worth doing but in reality it gives you piles of packs and papers in the kitchen, you’ve still got time to get a recycling bin from us which will give you a place to sort it out and hide it, until it’s time to take it to the wheelie bins. Either discreetly built in to a cupboard or standing looking smart in your kitchen, our bins will make the task easier and tidier for you.
We wish you a very Happy New Year and send our best wishes for 2017, from everyone at Binopolis!
With thanks to the excellent http://www.recyclenow.com website.